Archive for November 2006

Survey: 50 Odd Things About You!

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50 ODD Things About You!
If you opened this, FILL IT OUT!

Learn 50 things about your:

1. Height?

2. Have you ever smoked heroin?
no way

3. Do you own a gun?
HAHAHA… the one in my pants!

4. Do you have a b/f, g/f?
no way

5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments?

6. What do you think of hot dogs?
those things are great, about to make me a couple. They go good with beer.

7. What’s your favorite Christmas song?
They’re all good to me… 12 Days of Xmas?

8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
Coffee to wake my ass up, then some Propel

9. Can you do push-ups?
Of course

10. Is your bathroom clean?
not at the current moment. I need to go on a major cleaning spree. It’s even worse for me, because I don’t have roomies to blame it on. LOL

11. What’s your favorite piece of jewelry?
probably my chain with my cross around my neck

12. Do you like painkillers?
yeah, they’re good at taking away pain. Pain is not fun.

13. What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex?
My approach, my confidence, and my KISS.

14. Do you have A.D.D.?

16. Middle Name?

17. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment?
Anchorman is a funny ass movie
I need to get a membership at a real gym

18. Name the last 3 things you have bought?
1. gas
2. bottle of Black Cherry Vanilla Coke
3. Reeses candy bar

19. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink?
1. water, MOSTLY
2. coffee
3. soda, occasionally

22. Current worry?
making a final decision on a crib for January.

23. Current hate?
no hate on my part

24. Favorite place to be?

26. Where would you like to go?

27. Do you own slippers?
nah, just sandals

28. What shirt are you wearing?
Dover High School XC sweater

29. Do you burn or tan?
tan, for the most part

30. Favorite color(s)?
royal blue

31. Would you be a pirate?
as long as I didn’t get my ass killed and had all the treasure

33. What songs do you sing in the shower?

34. What did you fear was going to get you at night as a child?
monsters and strangers breaking into the house

35. What’s in your pockets right now?
my wallet and some change

36. Last thing that made you laugh?
Anchorman, watching it right now

37. Best bed sheets as a child?
any that kept my ass warm in the winter time

38. Worst injury you’ve ever had?
broken heart, but it healed rather quickly. Not TOO bad of a break.

40. How many TVs do you have in your house?

41. Who is your loudest friend?
Don’t really have a loudest friend

42. Who is your most silent friend?
they all talk for the most part

43. Does someone have a crush on you?
oh I’m sure! They’re out there, def.

44. Do you wish on shooting stars?

45. What is your favorite book?
no real favorite at this time

46. What is your favorite candy?
Kitkats, Sour Patch, Skittles, and Starburst. 4 way tie! :O

47. What song do/did you want played at your wedding?
I don’t know. I’m not engaged. I don’t even have a significant other. There may never be a WEDDING! :O It has to be worth my while, and so does she, whoever she may end up being.

48. What song do you want played at your funeral?
Who cares? It’s not like I’ll be alive to enjoy it. Anyway, I try not to think of DYING too much. Life goes by way to quickly as is! Enough with funerals… and WEDDINGS.

49. What were you doing 12 AM last night?
same shit as tonight, chillaxin in the livingroom watching television and filling these things out. I was also downing some brewskies. LOL.

50. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up this morning?
it can’t POSSIBLY be 8am ALREADY.

Written by Bryan "B-Money" Bradley

November 30, 2006 at 5:55 am

Posted in surveys


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It’s a Wednesday afternoon, and yet another day of me doing practically nothing at work. SHOCKER. But you can envy me – I’m GETTING PAID BIG BUCKS, SUCKA! LOL

As the title of this post indicates, this here is the 200th post on the BLOG OF BRYAN!!!! *applause* The author is very proud of that, as this site has played house to some of the greatest news, events, thoughts, ideas, and random ramblings primarily related to yours truly. Amazing, that I am already at post number 200! That’s wicked.

Where shall I begin? Ahhhh, I know where…

Stockton Alumni Weekend continued

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Left to right: Brett, Ray, Bob, Greg, myself

To continue the story from this past weekend, Ray, birthday boy Volleyball Bob, Greg Root, and I went to fellow Stockton Alumnist Brett’s house. Mike, who had a shift to work at Quickchek from like six to 10pm, could not join the four of us at Bretts.

Prior to going to work at 6pm, though, Mike joined Ray, Greg, and I for some air hockey at the boardwalk in Seaside. We went to Seaside for a little bit to hang out in the arcades and look around just to kill a little bit of time. We made our way over to the four-player air hockey, clearly our favorite attraction at the Seaside arcades, and etablished the teams. It was to be Ray and I vs Greg and Mike. We all played a total of four games. Ray and I won the first game, which was extremely competitive, with a score of 7-6. Yep, they made us work for that particular victory. The second game, however, was not even a contest as Ray and I whooped them 7-2. Surely, it was only going to get worse for Greg and Mike, but the time came for us to switch sides at he air hockey table. This move brought some fortune to Greg and Mike, as they pulled off an upset in the third game winning by a score of 7-5. The fourth game, however, Ray and I came back to harbor revenge with a score of 7-4 in the fourth and final game. Almost undefeated, but three out of four is not exactly what I would call horrible.

After Mike headed to work at Quickcheck around 6, Ray, Greg, and I took a special trip to CVS so Greg could pick out a card for Bob. During our walk around in CVS, Ray pointed out to me some cans of Black Cherry Vanilla Coke on one of the shelves in the aisle with the soda. At that moment, I let out the loudest and most feminent squeel that could ever be produced by a human being of the male race. I was HAPPY. As we were leaving CVS, Ray implied, “Hey at least they still sell it in the cans.” I responded, “I like it in the can.”

WOW! That’s when it occured to me that my comment could be disturbingly miscontrued by the wrong people. HAHAHA. Yes, BCV Coke in cans would’ve served a purpose in the absence of any other alternatives. However, I chose to put off that purchase in search of the bottled version of BCV Coke. Therefore, we drove to Quickchek to pay Crazy Mike a visit at his work place.

Upon walking into the Quickchek and looking in the refrigerators for the BCV Coke, we approached Mike at the counter and asked him if there was any BCV Coke anywhere in the store, since I did not see it in the frig. He made a special trip to the back of the store for me to check for the soda. Returning to the front of store, he brought me two bottles of BCV Coke. What a saint! After two minutes of contemplation, I decided to buy both bottles. Great soda! Thank God they didn’t discontinue the production of BCV Coke, just as they dicontinued Diet Coke with lemon, which happened to be Ray’s favorite. Sorry Ray! LOL. It would’ve been illogical for the Coca Cola company to make TWO irrational decisions back to back. They have to keep that BCV Coke on the market!

Eventually, Ray, Greg, and I made our way to Brett’s. On the way to Bretts, Ray stopped by Bob’s house in Brick so we could give him our birthday cards, wish him a Happy Birthday, and pick him up to bring him to Bretts. Ray drove Bob to Bretts, as I drove my car and followed him with Greg. Brett is a guy whom Ray, Bob, and Greg knew really well prior to my transfer to Stockton from County College of Morris. When I first walked into Brett’s house, I could instantly tell that he was an animal lover. This guy had fish, a lizard, a turtle, two cats, a dog who absolutely could not stand Greg (lol), and possibly some other animals I was unaware of.

We had a great time over there drinking some beers, playing a couple rounds of flip cup, and getting Greg really drunk! He was sitting on the couch watching television for the most part, and Brett’s dog could not stop barking at him. It was funny. Bob and Brett were influencing Greg to keep drinking. That boy must’ve drank like ten beers in a matter of half an hour to 45 minutes. The first beer Greg drank was a Corona, courtesy of Brett, that had been in the trunk of Brett’s car for approximately five years. LMFAO! Yes, this means that the bottle of Corona had spent five summers as well as winters, springs, and falls, in the trunk of Brett’s car. We all have reason to believe that that’s what fucked Greg up worse than anything.

Eventually, we decided to walk to this bar called Leggetts, which was blocks away from Brett’s house. This joint was packed with older people, yet it was crowded as well. The hottest chicks there were the Coors Light girls that approached us. They had such beautiful little behinds, and the perfect pants to show off those behinds. They tried to sell us on something, but I was way too distracted for that. These girls looked amazing. Surprisingly, I did not order a single drink from the bar! As a result, I probably saved quite a bit of money. Why would I order a drink from the bar, when I had so much beer left to begin with at Brett’s house, which was blocks away from the bar? Greg momentarily managed to get lost in the bar. None of us could find him.

Bob and Brett took a few laps around the bar looking for our lost drunk friend. No such luck finding him. At that point, we believed he had either gotten into it with some dude, gotten booted from the bar by security, passed out somewhere in the bar, or ALL THREE. It turns out neither of those were the case! Where did Greg end up? Sitting at the bar eating a pizza pie! The dude was just hungry. I could totally understand that, as I get really hungry whenever I get as wasted as he was. Ray, Bob, Brett, and I walked over there to hang out with him as he ate his pizza.

Bob and Brett actually managed to snag a few slices off of his plate. haha. Eventually, we decided to vacate the premises and head back to Brett’s. Walking outside, Ray, Bob, Brett, and I thought we lost Greg for the second time in the evening. Once again, he was no where in sight. We looked back, but didn’t see him anywhere. As we turned around and walked back towards the bar, I could see him in one of the alley ways taking a piss! LOL. We found him again.

On the way back to Bretts, Greg displayed some violence and destruction that I had never seen in him before. LOL. He was throwing rocks at trucks and trying to take a part brick walls. The chucking of the rocks was not light by any means; this dude was fetching these rocks at full force. One could obviously tell that Greg was totally hammered. He didn’t know what he was doing, but it was all good. He managed to make his way back to Brett’s with the three of us safe and sound. Once we returned to Brett’s, Brett was about to turn in so we said goodbye with Brett and parted ways. Ray went his car with Bob and drove Bob home, while I took Greg with me and followed Ray.

Unfortunately, we never made it to Jenks, which was in our original plans, but I will probably be heading down there soon enough. That club has been missing something hot and amazing in the past year, and that something is actually someone, and that’s ME! The World’s Greatest, the one and only. Sexy, handsome, charismatic, and flashy! There are reports coming my way from Bill that his friend Christine is having a birthday celebration at Jenks this Friday night. First, we must find out what the circumstances are for that party, find out who’s going, and if it’s going to be a sausage fest or a bunch of sweet hot honeypots, and then take it from there with our plans. In the event that we do not make our way down to Jenks, we will probably do something equally crazy up here in the 973.

The following day, on Sunday, Crazy Mike had to be at work by noon, so he kicked Ray and I out around 11:15 and made his way to work. Meanwhile, Ray and I went to the Monmouth Mall, which was on the way home for both of us, and looked around in various stores for a greater part of the day. Spencers, Saturday Matinee, some Christmas stores, and other places were included in the stores that Ray and I walked into. There were some terrific Christmas displays in that mall. We also got a bite to eat at the Food Court. I hit up the Master Wok and bought myself some General Tso’s Chicken with Lo Mein. It was slammin. Once we departed from the mall, we headed over to Toys R’ Us to check out some of the video games they had.

After Toys R’ Us, Ray and I called it a day and each made our ways home to Edison and D-town respectively. Our Stockton Alumni weekend, I would say, was a success. Great times, with many more great times to come in the near future. It never stops, because it can’t stop. It won’t stop. This is what happens when superstar best friends of different varieties hang out with each other.

Best friends hang out! And once again, how great is the fact that I GOT PAID to type this post??? Only me, ladies, gentlemen, friends, and stalkers. Only me.


Written by Bryan "B-Money" Bradley

November 29, 2006 at 5:17 pm

Posted in comedy, event aftermath

Survey Time!

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1. Where were you when it turned 2006?
Headliner in Neptune, NJ

2. How did you get the idea for your MySpace name?
because that’s how I feel.

3. What song are you listening to right now?

4. Has the death of a celebrity ever made you cry?

5. Do you own an iPod?

6. What was the first thing you thought this morning?
I want to sleep longer.

7. What does your dad do for a living?
he’s deceased

8. What will you do tonight?
chill’ax, browse the net, watch TV, watch a movie, talk to ppl online.

9. Whats your favorite memory from last weekend?
dinner at Famous Daves with my fellow Stockton Alums

10. What are the last two digits of your phone number?

11. What was the last thing you ate?
Wendys with Bill.

12. What was last thing you drank?
Dr Pepper.

13. What was the last movie you watched?
Wayne’s World

14. What do you dislike at the moment?
nothing really

15. What food do you crave right now?
I am FULL. nuff said.

16. What did you dream last night?
I don’t remember, but I dream random shit rather often.

17. What was the last TV show you watched?
Family Guy

18. What is your favourite piece of jewelery?
right now, my chain with my cross on it.

19. Name someone on your Top Friends who is just like you?
I’m one of a kind, baby! One of a SUPER great kind, as you’ll read in my profile. I can only be me, my top friends can only be themselves, and that’s how it goes for everyone.

20. Who last text messaged you?

21. What side of the bed do you sleep on?

22. What color shirt are you wearing?
grey T shirt

23. What is your favorite frozen treat?
snow. JK. Ice cream, wut else?

24. How many piercings do you have?
Had 2, one in each ear, but they have closed up.

25. What’s your favorite store?

26. Are you thirsty right now?
nah, the Dr Pepper did the trick.

27. Who’s someone you haven’t seen in a while and miss?
perhaps a few ppl I used to work with at the OG, who I partied with over the summer. they know who they are.

28. What did you do last night?
Watched Waynes World and talked to this random chick online for three hours. She was cool!

29. Do you care what people think about you?

30. Have you ever done something to instigate trouble?
HAHAHA Does a bear shit in the woods and wipe his ass with a rabbit?

31. When was the last time you worked out?
probably a few weeks ago. I used to be able to run outside, but it’s getting cold now. Gotta get a real gym membership. gym at work ain’t cuttin it.

32. What are your font colors on MSN?
i don’t have msn.

33. Where do you live?
an alley way? LOL. Where do you think??? My house! Moving out in January, though.

34. Are you aggressive?
When I want to be. When I have to be.

35. Mobile Phone Network?

36. Do you like the person who posted this last?
yeah, we cool. 🙂

37. Do you know their birthday?

38. What is the thing that you would most like to change about yourself?maybe some additional muscle tone? Gotta get me a gym by the new crib when I move. Hopefully there’s a Gold’s Gym when I get down there.

39. What size are your feet?

40. What do you smell like right now?
Cool Water cologne, fresh like a playa. 😀

41. What is your favorite color?
royal blue

42. Do you like mustard?
sure. honey mustard is the shit on grilled chicken.

43. What do you tell yourself when things get hard?
I have to believe I have the control, anything it takes, to turn a rough situation into a situation that is beneficial for myself.

Written by Bryan "B-Money" Bradley

November 29, 2006 at 4:51 am

Posted in surveys

Current state of my life, Stockton Alumni weekend, and more!

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GMAT officially scheduled for Saturday, MAY 12!
Same location, at the Pearson Professional Center in Atlantic City, NJ!

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What’s good my family, friends, fans, and stalkers alike? Life has given me a rather new look in the past couple months or so, as I have been much busier with places to go and people to see.

Hanging out with the various friends that I have has really been picking up as of late. Prior to this past weekend, I had been down in South Jersey, either in the P-town area or Toms River area, for six of the last seven weekends. As you can see, and as you have probably been reading here at the BLOG OF BRYAN, I have been going away on the weekends quite a bit. However, it has all been in good fun with great people.

Between looking for apartments with Colleen and Mike, celebrating birthdays and holidays, and hanging out with a bunch of friends, my weekends have been booked. For that reason, and also due to the fact that I have so many other obligations on my calendar in the coming weeks, the GMAT has officially been postponed from it’s original date of December 2. Some had recommended that I keep the date I originally had, while others correctly noted that it was a wise decision on my part due to the fact that my preparation had been severely lagging throughout the course of the past several weeks.

Between Halloween, my birthday, Thanksgiving, birthday celebrations, and most of all, using my weekends to find a place to live by January, my time was pretty much all used up. One should not carry through with one’s original plans if one is not a 110% ready by the time the date with destiny arrives. I will be the first to admit that it was poor time management on my part, as well as a rough time to schedule such a significant event in my life. Right before the Christmas holidays, and right after Thanksgiving and my birthday, I had way too many things going on in my life, as I do every year at that time.

When you think about it, I would rather pay $50 to reschedule a date for the test than to go in on the original date, take the test when I know I am not as prepared as I should be for it, not perform up to my standards, and pay $250 to take it all over again. As you know by now, I want to ace it the first time around. People might judge me for the fact that I did not follow through on my plans there, but it was for my own good and well being that I make this worthwhile for myself.

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Everything happens for a reason, and I refuse to pursue such significant obstacles when I am not at 110%. For the first month or so of my preparation, I felt as though my exercise and my studying were up to speed. However, after about mid October, all of that began to dwindle through the constant struggles to find an apartment, celebrate all of the major holidays and events upcoming (including my birthday and Thanksgiving). The officially rescheduled date of GMAT is Saturday, May 12, 2007! The test will still take place at the Pearson Professional Center in Atlantic City, NJ.

Ever since Crazy Mike’s end of the summer party the first weekend of September, I would say this year has really changed its course for the better. From January up until about September, this year had pretty much been a living nightmare. It seemed as though nothing could go right for me, no matter how much I attempted to make things better for myself. Between a traumatic separation, difficulty finding a real job, and some other personal problems, this year just was not feeling me and visa versa. I began to wonder if I was going to find any fortune. However, I landed a lucrative position at Wachovia in July, lost it in September, and I am now working at A.D.P. earning more money than I have ever made in my life. Every weekend, something fun, exciting, and perhaps surprising seems to be happening to me.

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Up North, I have consistently been going out to Morristown and other places in the local area with Bill Dyer and his gym pal Jimmy. We have gone to Murphys in Dover as well as the Grasshopper and Jimmys in Morristown. The first night of my two day celebration took place in Morristown, where I hung out with a girl who claimed she was an aspiring porn star (and somewhat looked the role) and hooked up with her paralyzed friend in her car. Yeah, first a paralyzed chick and then, as you are well aware, an engaged chick less than a week ago. Now is that just NUTS??? To say the very least, It has been a hell of a blast for yours truly.

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Following that fateful end of the summer weekend in Lavallette back in September, most of my weekends had been spent down South for Homecoming Weekend 2006, Halloween parties (two of them thrown by Colleen at Stockton and Mike in Lavallette), birthday celebrations for all different people, and much more. The year 2006 has practically done a 360 and appears to be finishing strong as we head into December for the holidays. Let’s hope the year 2007 picks up where this lackluster year appears to be finishing off. What a relief it has been for me to enjoy the benefits of a lucrative nine to five, having weekends off, and being able to enjoy myself with different types of friends on the weekends off. These are benefits, mind you, I had been unable to exercise when I was working six to seven days a week at the Olive Garden.

So where am I taking this post?? How about this past weekend? Thanksgiving weekend! Stockton Alumni weekend 2006! Awesome times!

This past weekend was a pretty decent time, as I drove down to Lavallette on Friday evening to spend some time with Stockton alumni who are close friends of mine. Those in attendance on Friday night included Ray, Volleyball Bob (whom I met for the first time), Crazy Mike, and myself. Once I arrived at Mike’s, we all went to Famous Dave’s for dinner. I had been to Famous Dave’s on at least two occasions and I really love their chicken. Never am I disappointed with my meals at Famous Daves. For the second time in a row, I ordered the Chicken Tenders with Buffalo Chicken sauce. Buffalo Chicken is the BEST!

After dinner, we all went to a liquor store and purchased some alcohol for the evening. I ended up buying a six pack of Killians Irish Red as well as a bottle of Andre Cold Duck. WOW! Andre Champagne! That is a champagne I had not had in a LONG time. Reuniting with Andre was simply spectacular. Apparently the price of that champagne is starting to go up, as the bottle of Cold Duck ran me approximately $5! About a year ago, it was as cheap as $4. I realize that makes it only a $1 more expensive, but still, the value is going up. LOL.

Once we returned to Mike’s house, I sat down and started drinking my beer. Bob needed to wake up early the next morning, so Ray drove him back to his home in Brick. While Ray was away, I went on the computer with Mike to check out some apartments for January. Colleen called Mike and directed him to some really cheap apartment complexes located in Matawan, which is a nice and relatively safe town in Monmouth County. Combined together, our credit is really good, so it is just a matter of time before we make a choice for the apartment we choose to take come January. It is all a matter of finding an apartment complex that has the sufficient residential approval rating. Once Ray returned to Mike’s, I had drank about three beers. I was sitting on the couch watching some television. Ray went to the kitchen, got himself a beer, and sat down in the living room to join me. After having drank eight beers, I was totally assed out and passed out. Around 1:15, Ray was supposedly still speaking to me as he was sitting next to me on the couch in the livingroom. As soon as he noticed he was not receiving a response from, he looked over at me and noticed I was passed out while still sitting upright. LOL. Shortly after that, Ray turned in and I remained passed out on the couch.

On Saturday morning, Ray, Mike, and I woke up and headed out to Target for some shopping. Due to the chaotic shopping spree that was taking place (as it does every year immediately after Thanksgiving), there were some unbelievable sales at Target. We all looked around. I needed some more cologne, so I bought myself another bottle of Cool Water, so I could smell fresh and sexy. Following our tour through Target, we made our way over to Best Buy to look around for a bit. I noticed P.Diddy’s Press Play album at Best Buy, being sold for $8.98! WOW! I thought I found a great deal of $11.98 for that album at Target a few weeks ago. Apparently, Best Buy had shown up Target with a price that was exactly $3 cheaper. When I had gone to Borders a few weeks ago, hours before I bought the album at Target, I noticed Borders was selling the album for $19.99. I said to myself, “Fuck that, I can get this album much cheaper somewhere else.”

Later in the afternoon, Ray drove Mike and I to Cluck U for some chicken wings. I decided to buy some Buffalo Chicken Tenders in addition to the wings we were about to purchase. We bought the chicken and decided to take it back to Mike’s to eat. On the way to Mike’s, Greg Root called Mike and informed him that he was at Target in Brick. As a result of him being so close, we made another stop at Target to go meet up with Greg, who was inevitably coming over to Mike’s for the night. When we arrived at Target, I noticed Greg coming outside with a Superman hat that he had just purchased at Target. He handed me the hat and implied, “Happy Birthday. I’m sorry I couldn’t make it to your celebration.” That was a kind gesture on Greg’s part, as he certainly did not have to do that for me. Of course, I thanked him for his courtesy.

From there, I rode with Ray to Mike’s house as Mike went with Greg. The four of us eventually made our way to Mike’s beach house and Mike, Ray, and I proceeded to have our chicken. Cluck-U Buffalo Chicken Tenders with Bleu Cheese are absolutely SLAMMIN’. I ordered a total of nine tenders, and with the exception of the one I gave to Greg, I ate every single one of them in one session. Those tenders were off the hook. Not the spiciest Buffalo Chicken I have ever eaten in my life, but it certainly ranks rather high in terms of taste. After that dinner, Ray, Greg, and I walked to Wawa to get some drinks and sweets. I bought a Reeses Fast Break candy bar, a Butterfinger, breath mints, and a Code Red Mountain Dew. Good stuff.

To be continued. Check back for Part II tomorrow.

Written by Bryan "B-Money" Bradley

November 28, 2006 at 1:09 am

Posted in event aftermath, life, self

Jack’s response to my no-no on Wednesday night!

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The following instant message conversation took place yesterday morning on Thanksgiving. It pertains to the premarital thrill I gave a random fiance at Murphys while I was out partying with my people. Enjoy!

Me: I got wasted last night
Jack Horowitz: yeah so i read from ur away message
Me: hahaha
JH: crazy last night
Me: perhaps the craziest thing ever
JH: i got that impress from reading ur away message
Me: dude, I kissed some girl, she kissed me back, this girl comes and separates us. turns out, it was her sister, and the girl I was kissing was engaged. LMFAO!
JH: wonderful u couldnt manage to start making out with one that was at least single
Me: thought she was until then
Me: lol
Me: she never opened her mouth for anything other than the kiss. I didn’t know!
Me: she put up no resistance
Me: I’m like, what type of engagement is THAT?
Me: lol
Me: I didn’t know this until this morning
Me: hahaha
Me: the girl that separated us told my friends that I had hooked up with her sister, who was engaged
Me: I was like WOW!
Me: pimp juice!
Me: I kinda feel bad though
Me: that was a little fucked up, but again, how was I to know? she didn’t exactly have I’m engaged tattooed to her face
Me: lol
JH: a ring would have been a good indicator
Me: drunk, standing in a crowded bar, I’m not looking at the fingers
Me: lol
Me: it’s crazy
Me: I’m one crazy guy
JH: u should learn to do that for the future
Me: you mean learn NOT to do that?
Me: oh
Me: you mean the finger?
JH: learn to check to make sure the girls u make out with dont have exgagement rings
Me: the ring?
JH: yes
Me: hahaha
Me: shit, they should learn to turn their faces when I go to give kisses. they should learn not to accept rings if they’re going to be at bars kissing guys
Me: lol
Me: no pressure on my behalf. I’m not engaged
Me: hahahaha
JH: lol
Me: no you’re right though
Me: I know I wouldn’t want someone fucking up my relationship
JH: im glad u realize that
Me: hahaha
Me: New Years Resolution #1 for Bryan in 2007…
Me: don’t be a scumbag
Me: lol
JH: thats a good one
JH: but im surprised u did already have that new years resolution already made in the past

Written by Bryan "B-Money" Bradley

November 25, 2006 at 1:37 am

Posted in comedy

Happy Thanksgiving!

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Turkey Day is upon us. That Burger King is one crazy dude!

Thanksgiving Eve last night was insane! Legendary! Earlier in the evening, before we commenced with Thanksgiving Eve festivities, Bill, Jimmy, and I went to M&S II for stuffed slices with sauce. They are so delicious. I had not eaten a stuffed slice with sauce in so long. Jimmy had one for the first time and almost climaxed right there at the table. LMAO. JK!

As far as the actual festivities, everyone wanted to go to NJ Bar and Grill, formerly known as Joanne’s. Those were the original plans set forth by a majority of the people who were involved in this HUGE evening of fun, partying, and alcoholism. Joanne’s, as many recall, is the bar that I went to years ago with Scott and his buddies, and almost got arrested for flipping a table over on one of his friends. Crazy! Thankfully, there are new owners now and it has a new name. LOL.

Anyway, after pre-gaming at Bill’s with Bill and Jimmy, we headed over to NJ Bar and Grill. Once we got there, we noticed some of the other people, one of which including Bill Gratocos, showing up at the same time. Upon walking into this place, we noticed how dead it was inside. This was not the ideal place to go for Thanksgiving Eve, and I told everyone that from the very beginning! Nobody would listen to me, who knows all.

After about twenty minutes, we vacated the premises and headed over to Murphy’s where I said we should go in the first place. Murphy’s was packed, but not nearly as crowded as the previous year. Last year, Murphy’s was also a brand new bar. Now, it is over a year old. It is still a wonderful place to go for a good time, as always. Just as was the case, almost everybody from Dover High School was at Murphys. We had another dynamite reunion.

Most bizarre point of the evening came when I walked over to the bar with Bill, Jimmy, and few of the other guys. These two happily drunk ladies were sitting there enjoying their drinks and getting all flirty with The Great One. That’s when I put my arms around them and started talking to them. I don’t know what came over me again, but once again I made a bold move. The girl to the left of me, I began with a kisses on the cheek that led to a TONGUE KISS!

Not even two minutes, and I’m playing Johnny Mac Daddy! Pimp juice. As Jimmy eluded to at his house this morning, “some of us walk up to the bar, talk to a girl, ask what college they went to…. Bryan goes up to them, says hi, flirts really quick, and has his tongue down their throats two minutes later!”

As usual with me, the girl put up absolutely no resistance whatsoever. In fact, kissed her TWICE. Suddenly, a third girl comes up and just physically separates us. I’m thinking, thanks Connie Cockblock! She pushes me away and tells me to stop. Fair enough, I walked away and looked like the biggest Macdaddy in the house. Everyone giving me props. Usual night for me, however. The best part of that was realized today when I woke up at Jimmy’s house, where I stayed last night.

Jimmy informed me that the girl who walked up and separated us was the girl’s sister. Why was her sister separating us? Overprotective? Maybe. That couldn’t be the only reason though… According to Jimmy, the girl I was hooking up with was ENGAGED!!!!!!!!!! WOW! There was a silence, and then a mixed response, once I became aware of this bizzare situation. I felt like a mac, but I also felt kind of bad for the guy.

Never was I aware of this engagement until the next day when my friend told me. I was too drunk to look down at the hand and see the ring, and it is not as if she had I’M ENGAGED tattooed on her forehead. What is a hot stud to do? Good thing the sister pushed me away, though. I wouldn’t have wanted some dude fucking up my relationship or engagement for that matter.

It wasn’t even as if she put up any type of resistance. She kissed me back! Not once, but TWICE! Still, I feel like P.I.M.P.! Who does the stuff I do? Almost nobody. That is a testament to how much juice I have. That was probably my C- game, too. I haven’t had to pull out my A-game yet, ever, in my 26 years of existence.

After all of this happened, Scott and Liezl finally showed up at Murphys. I greeted them at the crowded entrance, walked with them to the bar, and bought all three of us Heinekens. Great times. Pleasantries. Reunions. Truces. Good shit. Ideal night for a bunch of playaz.

Happy Thanksgiving ladies and gentlemen. Enjoy your time with your families and be sure to return for more EXCLUSIVES based on The Great One, the one and only!

Lifestyle ~flashy~!

Written by Bryan "B-Money" Bradley

November 23, 2006 at 6:34 pm

Posted in comedy, event aftermath

Thanksgiving Day Eve!

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Clearly, ladies and gentlemen, this is one of the craziest nights of the year for many people including myself. Time to go out and get WASTED with my closest buddies and other Dover High School alumni.

Here goes nothing! I’ve always thought of nights like this as a roller coaster ride going way down into a vortex. I’m leaving the surfaces of sobriety to go way under into sloppy drunkenness. Along the ride, I expect some thrills, surprises, various situations, and stuff that will not be in the memory bank when I wake up in the morning, back from the deep, dark, and seductive pits of intoxication.

Off I go to Bill Dyer’s house to pre-game with Bill and Jimmy. From there, we’re off to New Jersey Bar and Grill in Mine Hill. I know, not exactly my choice venue due to its limited space, but that’s where everyone is going to be. Superstars MUST make appearances wherever the people are going to be.

Plenty to talk about ladies and gentlemen, but absolutely no time now. I must head out and get to my latest alcoholic, drunken journey. Take care everyone and be safe tonight! I’ll blog you when I come back up in my return to sobriety tomorrow.


Written by Bryan "B-Money" Bradley

November 23, 2006 at 12:53 am

Posted in comedy, leisure

Bill and Roger, engagement party, man to man with B.G., and more!

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Bits of this morning’s Man to man via IM with Billy G!

Billy G: what up brother
Me: BG! wut up playa
BG: sorry i didnt get back to u the other nite
Me: it’s ok
BG: had an early morning coaches meeting
BG: 830-1100
BG: at least they had some breakfast
BG: lololol
Me: there ya go
BG: hows everything going
Me: breakfast is good
Me: oh man, GREAT
BG: hell yeah
BG: good to hear
BG: u gonna be moving soon
BG: down south jers
Me: I’m down to South Jerz right now. went to an engagement party last night in Brigantine
BG: had enough of the north
Me: what a house party!
BG: i bet it was
Me: yeah man, North is fading out for me
BG: fun time right
Me: been there too long
BG: lolol
BG: no more mo county
Me: sometimes, you gotta go with a different flavor
BG: i hear ya
BG: true
BG: im just working hard doing my thing
Me: no more mo county. I’m retiring. there’s not enough money in that county, to keep ME AROUND!
BG: tryin to make more major moves
BG: lololololol
BG: lollolol
Me: hahaha
Me: Jay Z
BG: hell yeah

Friday night, after Bill and I left Murphys and parted ways with the beautiful ladies who had kept us great company, we made our way over to Roger’s place in Morristown. Roger is good people. As Bill remembers me saying, that doesn’t have a mean bone in his body! LOL.

Once we got to Rogers, I felt incredibly wasted and the all of the drinks I had from that night and the previous night were catching up with me. I went on Roger’s computer, checked out my myspace, and then basically sat down on the couch and passed out. Roger had some other friends over as well whom, in all due respect, I barely remember. I met them really quick before I passed out on the couch. Bill didn’t stay awake for too long himself once we got to Roger’s. In fact, he passed out before I did.

On Saturday morning, Bill, Roger, and I woke up and went out for lunch. Deciding what we were going to eat for lunch, it was a toss up between Subway and the Pizza Palace that was right next to the Subway by Roger’s house. How did we decide where we were going to eat? Bill did a coin toss. According to the coin toss, Subway was the place we were going to eat lunch at. Did we go to Subway? No. We went to the Pizza Palace, making the coin toss totally pointless and unnecessary.

Eventually Bill and I parted ways with Roger, and Bill took me back to his house so I could pick up my car and head home. Prior to leaving D-town for Brigantine, I called Anna Salazar, an old friend from Stockton, and wished her a Happy birthday. I have not seen her in such a long time. As far as talking to her goes, I had not spoken to her on the phone since September. It felt good to talk to her again. We were on the phone for a while before I eventually made my way out the front door.

Around 3:30, I left D-town to head for Brigantine for Jeremy’s engagement party which was to be held at his friend Fred’s apartment. Brigantine is a beautiful island that is located on the outskirts of Atlantic City. This island is quite nice; it must be crowded with heads in the summer time. Many aspects of Brigantine, especially Brigantine Blvd, remind me of the area where Crazy Mike lives in Ortley Beach.

Once I arrived in Brigantine, I had a little bit of difficulty finding the actual street that Fred’s apartment is located on. Every other street was noticeable, but once I reached Fred’s street, the road was totally dark. I could not make out the names of the streets on the street signs. That is when I decided to call Fred so he could direct me to where I needed to be. Inevitably I made my way to his apartment. From the outside, this apartment looked like the smallest apartment I had ever seen. Once you go inside and take a walk around, the place is enormous. So many rooms! The apartment keeps going deeper and deeper as you walk into it. It has a loft, with a spiral staircase going upstairs on to the loft. The place is absolutely lovely.

After being there for about fifteen minutes, Jeremy and Aaron showed up with food, supplies, and utensils for the party. Along with all of the party supplies and food, they also brought in a keg of Coors Light for the party. Walking in with them was Eddie, Jeremy’s younger brother whom I had never met before. He’s a good guy. As the night wore on, more people began to file on. Keeley’s sister Denine came with her husband Erik. Jeremy’s friend Sean arrived with his girlfriend Melissa. Jeremy and I were telling Sean just how lucky and fortunate he is to have such a beautiful girlfriend. She was amazing. Good for him! 🙂

I had the chance to meet one of Keeley’s friends, Nicole, at the party. Nicole used to work with Keeley at the Day care center located very close to the campus at Stockton. Nicole was a total sweetheart. For much of the night, I sat on the couch and just talked to her about various things in life, such as family, jobs, money, and other types of stuff. Almost everybody at that party was either married, in a relationship, or engaged. It was incredible. Nicole and I were the only single people at the party.

Jeremy was slaving at the grill outside, at his own party, making burgers, hot dogs, and Italian Sausage, all of which were delicious. Jeremy kept asking me to make him mixed drinks, due to the fact that he was busy outside with the grill. Each time I came outside to bring him a mixed drink, I would call him the Burger King. LOL. Each time I did it, it pissed him off a little bit more. Jeremy also accused me of making “bitch drinks” for him, claiming that the cranberry and vodkas I was making for him had no effect and were not strong enough for his liking. Very well. For the third drink, I filled the cup up three fourths of the way with Vodka, and topped that off with some cranberry juice.

As I handed him the drink, I told him, “See how you like that one, Burger King.” Jokingly, he responded, “you call me that one more time, I’m knocking you upside your head with this spatula. I told him, “you’re not knocking anybody upside their head with shit. Once you drink this, you are going to be OUT ON YOUR ASS!”

Fifteen minutes later, I walk into the living room, and he’s attempting to communicate to all of the people at the party how old his little sister is going to be turning the next day (today is her birthday). With his cheeks getting all rosy red from consuming the sizable amount of alcohol I mixed into his beverage, he was telling anybody who would listen, “my sister’s 18th birthday is tomorrow [Sunday].” Those who knew Jeremy and his family were telling him, “you’re wrong. She’s only sixteen years old. She is turning 17 tomorrow.” Jeremy was beginning to get all defensive.

The situation was getting out of control for Jeremy, when he suddenly felt the urgency to reach out to Keeley for a helping hand in this complex debate regarding his own sister’s age, asking her, “Hey Keeley, how old is my sister???” Keeley tells everyone, “she is 16 and she is approaching her 17th birthday.” Jeremy shouts, “DAMN IT!” At that moment, I walked up to Jeremy and asked, “how’s that bitch drink treating you?” The drink could not have been all that bitchy if this man was misconstruing his own sister’s age. LMFAO!

Aaron was helping out at the beginning of the evening with making the burgers. He ended up making these little round things that looked more like meatballs than burgers. LOL. Hey, the shape did nothing to diminish the taste of the burger/meatballs that Aaron had made.

We had so much alcohol for this event; it was SICK. Captain Morgan, Southern Comfort (my favorite!), Jack Daniels, Pucker, Black Haus, Smirnoff, various types of other Vodkas and rums, Coors Light keg, cans of Coors Light, etc. The list goes on and on. I had so much to drink last night. One would’ve never expected me to drink as much as I did last night, after the previous two nights of drinking at Murphys and the Barn.

I began the night with some Cranberry and Vodka mixed drinks. I drank a cup of SoCo and put a little lemon in there with it. Being the classy hoe that I am, I also managed to make myself an Apple Martini with the Apple Pucker and Vodka that we had. In addition to that, I had so many beers from the keg. I played beer pong and got my ass handed to me by these dudes who seemed absolutely unstoppable! They must have played like 10 games straight and won them all with no problems or challenges whatsoever.

Incredible party. Incredible weekend.

Written by Bryan "B-Money" Bradley

November 19, 2006 at 4:15 pm

Posted in comedy, event aftermath

Murphys on Friday night

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Two nights ago, on Friday night, Bill Dyer and I had a few options as to what we could do for the evening. Jimmys in Morristown was an alternative. Another option was to go to Ramapo and hang out with his friend Jim in the event that were some parties going on there. Last but not least, Murphys seemed like a nice place to go. Murphys it was!

While Bill and I were enjoying a healthy meal (sarcasm if you haven’t picked up on it) at Wendys, I had called Becky to ask her what she was doing. She said she was going to Fridays with her friend Michelle to get dinner and a few drinks, and that they would probably be heading to Murphys later in the evening. Bill called up his friend Roger to inform him that we would be going to Murphys and that he could come join us if he liked. On the way to Murphys, I called Becky Kovach and let her know that Bill and I were coming to Murphys.

Bill and I were standing around, scoping out the scene and the eye candy, and enjoying some beers. About a half hour later, Becky arrived with her friend Michelle. Not a bad looking young lady, either. Shit, neither of them are! We congregated, hung out, and Bill kept taking pictures with the $25 digital camera his pops hooked him up with from work. Later in the evening, Gary showed up and made an appearance.

Bill loves his new $25 camera! He takes it everywhere with him, probably sleeps with it, molests in his sleep, will not stop taking pictures at any cost, and perhaps does other stuff with it that I do not even want to imagine! He will take candid shots all day with that fucking thing. I had gone to Best Buy with him earlier and he bought a new memory card for the camera that could store over 500 pictures. The memory cards for that are probably more expensive than the camera itself.

This was another relatively crazy night for Bill and I. The previous night, Thursday, Bill and I had gone to Murphys as well. Prior to going to Murphys, we went to the Barn to hang out with some of Bill’s buddies from work. So as you can see, Murphys has been the hot spot up in North Jersey as of late.

Written by Bryan "B-Money" Bradley

November 19, 2006 at 4:00 pm

Posted in leisure

Sexually connotated Q&A. Quite humorous!

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Q. What is the difference between a drug dealer and a hooker?
A. A hooker can wash her crack and sell it again.

Q. What’s a mixed feeling?
A. When you see your mother-in-law backing off a cliff in your new car.

Q. What’s the height of conceit?
A. Having an orgasm and calling out your own name.

Q. What’s the definition of macho?
A. Jogging home from your vasectomy.

Q. What’s the difference between a G-Spot and a golf ball?
A. A guy will actually search for a golf ball

Q. Do you know how New Zealanders practice safe sex?
A. They spray paint X’s on the back of the sheep that kick!

Q. Why is divorce so expensive?
A. Because it’s worth it!

Q. What is a Yankee?
A. The same as a quickie, but a guy can do it alone.

Q. What do Tupperware and a walrus have in common?
A. They both like a tight seal.

Q. What do a Christmas tree and priest have in common?
A. Their balls are just for decoration.

Q.What is the difference between “ooooooh”and “aaaaaaah”?
A. About three inches.

Q: What’s the difference between purple and pink?
A. The grip.

Q. How do you find a blind man in a nudist colony?
A. It’s not hard.

Q: How do you circumcise a hillbilly?
A: Kick his sister in the jaw.

Q: What’s the difference between a girlfriend and a wife?
A: 45 pounds.

Q: What’s the difference between a boyfriend and a husband?
A: 45 minutes.

Q: Why do men find it difficult to make eye contact?
A: Breasts don’t have eyes.

Q: If the dove is the bird of peace, what is the bird of true love?
A. The swallow.

Q: What is the difference between medium and rare?
A: Six inches is medium, eight inches is rare.

Q. Why do women rub their eyes when they get up in the morning?
A .They don’t have balls to scratch!

Written by Bryan "B-Money" Bradley

November 17, 2006 at 8:32 pm

Posted in comedy