Archive for May 2007

John Rambo (Rambo IV) … Attacking soon!

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As you already know, Beanie, Raph, and I went to see Shrek The Third last night. Well, there’s another movie coming to theaters very soon. This is one that Bill and I, and perhaps others, are DEFINITELY going to see.

This movie looks TOUGH. It’s the four installment of one of the greatest action sagas in history. John Rambo

Written by Bryan "B-Money" Bradley

May 28, 2007 at 7:16 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

Happy Memorial Day!

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Today marks the unofficial beginning of summer. The weather is absolutely gorgeous. Labor Day is fine for that working class citizen who spends his or her entire summer slaving at a job. However, I prefer Memorial Day. Welcoming summer with sleeveless open arms is much more exciting than to bid adieu the most enchanting season of the year.

Last night, Beanie, Raph, and I went to see Shrek The Third at the movie theater in Ledgewood. I thought this third installment was a successful one. Some might say that the previous sequel, Shrek 2, is still the best of the series, but Shrek the Third still remains a worthy installment. Over all I thought it was really good. After the film, we went to the Budd Lake diner where we often after seeing or movie or just for the hell of it on Sundays.

Laughter was the theme of that meal, as a number of crazy things happen throughout our time there. Sex was a major topic of discussion at the table. Beanie almost broke my glass of water. As we were getting ready do leave the diner, I was posturing to some music in my car – elevating my body through the sunroof – out in the parking lot. For a Sunday, you could say the day was decent.

Welcome, Memorial Day. Later this evening, I will be joining Bill as a guest at Keith’s BBQ for some food, beers, and maybe a few broads along the way. HAHAHA. In any case, B-Money is going to be there live and direct as always and it should be quite an occasion on this wonderful holiday that sets off the summer season!

Written by Bryan "B-Money" Bradley

May 28, 2007 at 4:56 pm

Posted in holidays

Memorial Day weekend is a beautiful one!

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My apologies to anyone who has not been able to reach me on my cell phone or through any types of communication. Lately I have been trying to piece together that puzzle I spoke of in the recent posts. I’m just trying to make life better as best I can. As I said before, I already have one of those pieces, and that will be the special announcement upcoming in the next few days. Just be patient, my family, friends, and fans.

My apologies go out to Mel for not attending her BBQ, but it was a variety of factors combined that prevented me from coming down. My buddy Scott (who I went to high school with and is rarely ever around these parts of the country anymore) was in town for the week, and it was the last time I was going to see him before he moves to Las Vegas, so I wanted to hang out with him as much as I could. On top of that, gas prices went up almost $0.50 per gallon in the last few days, so that was also a reason why I didn’t show up. It’s no disrespect, I just wanted to stay up here this weekend and chill with some of the hometown folks for all of the reasons I mentioned. Rest assured, there will be other days and I will be reuniting with the KDP men and women very soon!

This Memorial Day weekend has been rather relaxing. I really can’t complain about anything pertaining to this weekend. The weather has been absolutely gorgeous. On Friday, the temperature went up as high as 93 degrees! Yes, it is my belief that summer is unofficially here. Yesterday, I took a ride out to Wantage with my best friend and life long-pal Billy D. Props to Bill for driving me out there in his new whip, a 2007 Volkswagon GTI. Very nice car, I might add. Smooth ride all the way. He had invited me to go out there with him to the camp grounds where his family had a trailer. Bill’s mother’s friend Nancy, whose family happens to be friends with Bill’s family, also has a trailer out there two trailers down from where Bill’s family has theirs set up.

Approaching the town of Wantage, I could notice the country setting with the farms and the farm animals and it brought back some memories of when I used to visit my father on weekends for visitation. In fact, the location of this park was about five miles away from where he used to live prior to passing away. When Bill and I arrived at the camp grounds, we figured we would be on his mother’s guest list. However, she never listed us on the sheet, so we ended up having to pay $13. LOL. It’s all good. I’m sure we will back again soon as “guests”. Still, the camp ground was beautiful, the air was a different type of air all together, and everything was peaceful. Eventually, Bill and I joined some folks in playing badminton. It was this lady Ginnette, this little girl (I think her name was Brianna, but I vaguely remember, lol), Bill, and I against Wayne, his wife Tina (who had nails like Freddy Kruger), and another young lady. These folks, friends of Bill’s family (especially Tina), claimed they were the best at that game. Very well, we challenged them with that in mind. We played two games of badminton and at the end of the day, we were 1-1. I guess we’re both the best at that game, huh??? LMAO.

All of the folks at this party were really hospitable and generous, as they kept handing me beer after beer after beer after beer. I was elated to be a guest at this party with such fine folks. Nancy was courteous enough to cook dinner for all of us. There was beef, potatoes, salad, and some other snacks there as well. Earlier, Bill and I had been pigging out on the chips. The motherfucker accused me of taking all the dip, but the rest of guests who had known Bill for almost his entire life knew better. hahaha. Later in the evening, Ginnette made some White Russians for Bill and I. She used to be bartender (or still is; I forget many of the details because I was drunk the entire day yesterday, lol), but she proved what a damn good bartender she was or is. I ended up having two White Russians and I finished Bills because we wanted to make sure he was sober enough to get us back to D-town.

Ginnette’s daughter (and also Bill’s cousin I believe) Stephanie, 2o years old, arrived later in the evening. Bill and I had plans to go Ryan’s (kid who works with Bill) BBQ in D-town, so we invited Stephanie to come along with us. All of the folks amongst Bill’s family and Nancy’s family wanted to go see a the bands that were playing up the hill at the pavilion of the camp grounds. They did not want us to leave, but Bill, Steph, and I had other plans. We walked up there with the two families, stayed for like five minutes, and escaped! A special thanks goes out to all of the folks in Wantage who let me party with them, drink their beers, and eat their food. It was a genuine pleasure on my behalf!

Bill and I went back to his house so he could shower and freshen up. Stephanie followed us back to his house. We waited for Bill’s friend Allie (who also works with Bill). Eventually she arrived at Bill’s and we took off for Ryan’s house, which was in D-town – not far at all! Once we got to his house, I noticed it was practically all dudes! Immediately I thought to myself, “ohhhh shit, get me a beer so I can get crunked even more than I have been for the last nine hours.” LOL. Basically, I sat in a lawn chair, drank a bottle of Corona, and began to nod off after the long, enjoyable day of drinking, eating and relaxing. What a way to spend Memorial Day weekend, huh?

Get ready! That special announcement is coming very soon. Time for me to go outside in the backyard and do some tanning. Stay tuned to BLOG OF BRYAN!


Written by Bryan "B-Money" Bradley

May 27, 2007 at 4:33 pm

Through persistence and patience, the march must continue!

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As I mentioned yesterday, there will be a special announcement being made right here at Blog of Bryan. Lately, I have been going from point A to point B to point C to point B to point D to point A and so on and so forth. Regimentation is what I seek.

Don’t worry though, I have been working on making that happen. I feel as though my progress lately has been stunted or delayed, but sooner or later, all of pieces of the puzzle will come together to form a beautiful picture. As you all know, I was working at Hampton Forge, but shit got out of line the first week I was working there. Now, I’m back at the drawing board just trying to find something in terms of a job that I can perform and hopefully enjoy performing.

Currently I am at library, and there is this one dude who is constantly rambling on and on out loud. Regardless of whether or not anyone is listening to this man or not, he continues to ramble on. What I am getting at, is that he too is looking for a job. The whole library hears his sentiments, regardless of whether or not they want to listen. He just mentioned the following loud and clear, “Believe it or not, there are no more jobs left!” Believe it or not, it sure as hell seems that way at times!!! I have submitted my resume via email and through all of the major job seeking websites for a countless number of positions, but no such luck in my endeavors. At least NOT YET.

This is what one would call an idol period, but soon I will be back to where I was and then some. Whenever my back is against the ropes, I always find some way to fight my way off the ropes. My special announcement, which will be made in the near future, is a major piece of the puzzle I am attempting to put together. I just need to find some of my other pieces and then I will be all set. It takes persistence (keep going and don’t give up) but it also takes patience. One can continue to seek out what one wants or needs. The effort must continue to be put forth, but one may not see the results immediately. It could take one a while to really see the results of the effort and persistence. That is where patience comes in.

As frustrating as it has been to land the right job (and it seems this struggle is constant, regardless of how many jobs I am working), I must continue to be patient, have faith in God, and continue to be persistent in my search. For the past week now, I have been spending much of my time online applying for jobs. My experience working for all of the different companies I have worked for, and the positions/titles I have worked under, should speak for itself. Sometimes, when shit goes wrong, it all goes wrong at the same time. However, when your golden and the times are golden, everything glows bright. Brighter than triumph. Brighter than the thrill of victory or success. Right now, it seems I have stumbled upon some rough times and gotten myself into a bit of a struggle. I have been here before. This is not the first time I have found myself in this position. I have also been privledged to enjoy some of the better times.

As far as the struggle goes, I will once again crawl out of these challenging times and get back to where I was when everything was grand. Once that happens, and once I make my special announcement, I will be back to where I was and then some!

Written by Bryan "B-Money" Bradley

May 25, 2007 at 12:38 am

Posted in life

Persistence AND patience!

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Blog of Bryan is off the hook!!!! Not just a good, but a great site. The author is not half bad himself. HAHA.

What’s good ladies and gentlemen???

I got some news coming your way – more like a suprise – in the next week or so. I have agreed not to disclose this information to the world at this time. Few people know what’s up right now, but rest assured when it is time for me release this good news, you will know about here at the Blog of Bryan. Times have been a bit trying lately, but sometimes one must dig down deep and show what he or she is made off. When searching for what one wants, it takes patience along with persistence. You must be persistent and not give up, but you must also be patient because what you want, desire, or even need, is not going to come at you right away. That’s all I will say at this point. Stay tuned to Blog of Bryan at all times.

You never know what you might find on here. As I said, in the coming days, a big news story will be released at this site. You do NOT want to miss a beat!


Written by Bryan "B-Money" Bradley

May 24, 2007 at 12:45 am

Posted in life

X-BOX 360 Fight Night showdown TONIGHT!

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The Great One meets the Rated R Superstar in his hometown of Mt Arlington …. in his …. HOME!

Let me first announce that I continue to eat crow for my bold prediction of the De la hoya vs Mayweather fight. I criticized Pretty Boy Floyd for a lot of different reasons prior to their May 5 showdown. I cited many reasons for his supposed demise and I was completely wrong. I was proven wrong and Mayweather delivered a performance that shoved that crown right down my throat into my stomach!!! I WAS WRONG.

The fight was close, but as ya’ll know, Maywather prevailed by split decision. I had Floyd winning 7-5 in rounds. He’s is undoubtedly the best Pound for Pound fighter in the world and he deserves all the credit he receives as a great fighter. Congratulations, Pretty Boy Floyd Mayweather!

Onto other business that is boxing related. Tonight, a major video game showdown is scheduled to take place between The Great One and the Rated R Superstar from Mt. Arlington. This is going to be a tremendous fight – a toe to toe battle. Perhaps the fight of the year, out of any real fight or video game fight combined.

As the decided underdog in this fight, my back is against the ropes due to the fact that I lost to my opponent’s dear friend Sosa about a month ago. It was an epic battle in which I was dropped three times (one of those knockdowns taking place in the first round) enroute to an 11th round stoppage. Judging by that, ya’ll would probably agree that my back is against the ropes, I appear to be finished in the eyes of my skeptics, and I am supposed to lose tonight’s fight.

That puts my opponent in a position where he has everything to lose and I have everything to gain. This is not going to be an easy fight for him at all. I am coming to win and I am bringing a more offensive attitude that I did the first time around. It will be quite an affair.

Stay Tuned.

Written by Bryan "B-Money" Bradley

May 18, 2007 at 9:16 pm

SPECIAL EXCLUSIVE: Living with Bill King Ding-a-ling Dyer? Other special updates!

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“Kiss my ass Hampton Forge, and other corporate phonies alike!”
Is The Great One RETURNING to ADP in PARSIPPANY?????

As you read from the last post, Hampton Forge has gone bye bye. Basically it was a mutual agreement that I should leave their company and find a job else where. I explained to my mother exactly what happened.

The nerve of this lady, who was my so-called superior, to imply, “you can’t talk that way to my president.” My mother and I both agreed, “what a corporate phony!!” Who refers to a company president as “my president”??? What a crock of shit. He is not just her president, he is also the president of the entire company. That is why he is a COMPANY PRESIDENT. No time for corporate phonies or cry babying broads who are my so-called superiors. My superiors should not be crying or exhibiting that type of insecurity. Never! Never! Never!

Anyway, on to bigger and better things. I have bigger fish to fry. The latest and greatest is that my best friend Bill Dyer and I want to get an apartment together. That’s right! Two of the greatest could very possibly be living with each other as early as June 1. Due to the money being greater up North, and the apartment search not going as well as expected down South, I made the decision to return to North Jerz for my place of residence as well as my place of employment.

Do I still love the Jersey shore? You bet your bottom dollar, my family friends and fans! Do I still feel as though I belong down there? Do I still feel as though I fit into the party and club scene??? That would be another YES on both accounts. Will I be making the trek down to the shore almost EVERY weekend this summer (and perhaps on certain weekend nights) for some Triple B – bar, beach, and boardwalk festivities)???? YES!!!!! Seaside Heights, Point Pleasant, Ocean City, and all the rest of the areas alike are not just good but great for me!

I will be down there on the regular, and I will be carpooling with the great BFF Beanie the Beanstalk on those trips because she loves those locations as much as I do. She belongs there as much as I do. However, residing up North in my own pad with my best friend whom I’ve known practically since birth is probably the best thing for me at this point in time. Billy D is almost a carbon copy of The Great One in terms of intentions, activities, morals, and craziness. We’ve done a lot of the same things over the years and I do not expect that type of madness to dye down once we’re sharing a crib. This summer has the potential to be festive and outstanding. Crazy, spontaneous, you name it! It could be off the chain!

What is another contributing factor to these intriguing plans? Well, I received word today (approximately half an hour ago) that I could be returning to ADP in Parsippany for a position very similar to the one I started back in October of 2006! There is an excellent chance that I will resume work there very soon! My recruiters at Randstad asked that I resubmit my updated resume so they could send it over to the folks at ADP. Randstad hasn’t been just good, but GREAT to me for almost a year now. ADP is a fine company as well. I am crossing my fingers and praying that I can return to the Parsippany ADP for employment. To this day, that is the greatest place I have ever worked and I made the most money I have ever made in my life working at that place. I love the location as well as the establishments surrounding the building such as the Fudruckers located directly across the street.

I pray to God that I can return to ADP in Parsippany A.S.A.P.!!! It was one of the happier times of my life. Let us pray that I return to that lifestyle and that degree of happiness once again. Expect an official announcement regarding ADP – Parsippany sometime tomorrow. BLOG of BRYAN is where it’s all at ladies and gentlemen. Expect to get it all – raw and uncut – here at this amazing website!!!! This is where you will find all of the exclusives based on The Greatest. Stay tuned and come again soon for further updates.


Written by Bryan "B-Money" Bradley

May 17, 2007 at 8:30 pm

Done with Hampton Forge: "Tough skin environment? Please! I’ve wiped my ass with toilet paper that was tougher!!!"

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In a company that bragged boasted tough skin associates, The Great One penetrated and tore that skin and making it seem as thin as toilet paper!

Hello ladies and gentlemen. Yes I have been away for a while, and life has been somewhat chaotic, but here I am to give ya’ll the update.

The job with Hampton Forge went through after the first week of work. Personnel and I just were not getting a long, I felt as though I did not fit in with their company, and the training program flat out SUCKED. I accepted at least a $10,000 short in salary, believing that the training program would be solid enough to teach me how to perform my job tasks efficiently and raise my level of experience. In a fourty five hour work week, I can honestly say that I only got about four hours of training. That is absolutely retarded! My Friday afternoon meeting with the president and the superior of my team is what ultimately sealed the deal.

The president of the company apparently scheduled individual meetings with all of the recently hired employees as well as their superiors. The president warned (some might have taken it as a threat) all new employees that if they were not up to par within in two weeks, they were going to be CANNED. How nice! What a fine way to build a re pour with your new employees. If he wanted to me to be up to speed in my position within the first two weeks, then four hours of training in the first week (a forty five hour week) was no fucking way to get me to that level!!!! I just felt rear-ended all around. My presence should be respected much more than it was. My position should’ve been given more attention than it was in terms of my training. I openly admitted to the president that he needed a better training program. If I was going to succeed there, I needed more training in cost analysis and cost comparison.

Cleaning up the bullshit in their showroom and boxing it all up to be shipped out WAS NOT GOING TO TRAIN ME ON HOW TO DO COSTING. My superior did not care for the way I spoke to “her president”, when in reality it was not just HER president but the president to the company. Besides, the president told me to my face that he agreed with me when we were in the meeting. My boss was barely able to hold back tears, as I noticed her eyes beginning to well up following that intense meeting. This is the same individual who warned me in the interview that tough skin was needed. Tough skin was needed for all of the shouting that would be going on.

That being the case, I can not understand how this woman was ready to burst out crying and I was controlling my emotions as if I had been there for 15 years! In a company that bragged boasted tough skin associates, The Great One penetrated and tore that so-called tough
skin and made it look as soft as toilet paper! If you’re a boss and you have such tough skin, you don’t start crying when one of the employees underneath you talks the president of the company in a fair but firm manner and gives him a dosage of reality. At the end of the day, human resources recommended that I find a new job and I agreed. In fact, I was just getting ready to announce that I would be moving on because it wasn’t working out in my favor and they beat me to the punch with the same announcement on their end.

Oh well, that’s a thing of the past. They’re completely done! On to the present and future baby!

There’s more to come, my family friends and fans. Stay tuned for more. More to come very soon.


Written by Bryan "B-Money" Bradley

May 16, 2007 at 4:42 pm

Posted in news, work

Greg Root: "That smells like the rank odor of …. Satan!"

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Currently, a bunch of us are here at Crazy Mike’s Lavallette beach house. Last night, we had the first annual Mario Cart challenge. I lost miserably. I knew I would. I never play that shit. But today, I let out this bad fart; this gaseous vapor. Rootman came out with one of the greatest quotes: “Your farts smell like the …. rank odor of …. Satan.”

Written by Bryan "B-Money" Bradley

May 12, 2007 at 2:39 pm

Posted in comedy

Beautiful liar …. nah just whole lot of sexy!

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I’m currently watching the music video for Beautiful Liar with Beyonce and Shakira. Look at those bodies! Listen to those voices! Okay, I would definitely KILL to have a night long threesome with those two incredible looking GODDESSES! Those two could sexually take advantage of me anytime!!! As Shakira once sang … “Whenever, whereever!”

Written by Bryan "B-Money" Bradley

May 4, 2007 at 7:51 pm

Posted in Uncategorized